The Lesotho national Olympic committee through the Sport Medicine and Protection of Clean Athletes Commission under the Directorship of Dr. Makhetha Mosotho will hold a five day training for the Anti Doping Education Officers. The training that is funded by the Olympic Solidarity will be held at Aloes Guest House Sehlabeng-Sa- Thuoathe in the Berea District from Monday, the 18th February to Friday, the 22nd February 2019. The training will be facilitated by RADO Africa Zone VI Manager Mr Andrew KAMANGA from Botswana assisted by our ADEOs Mr Khotso MAHLOKO and Mr Thabo KHOLOPO respectively. The training will attended by ten participants identified from LSRC. MGYSR, LNOC, NFs, OYAP and Lepereng Olympafrica Centre. The participation is constituted of 06 Females and 04 Males respectively and it is envisaged to increase the pool of our doping education officers in the country. Our data base reveals the following statistics within the NADO:
- 02 Anti-Doping Education Officers ( ADEO)
- 02 Doping Control Officers (DCO)
- 01 Therapeutic Use Exemption Officer ( TUE) ; and
- 01 Results Management Officer (RMO)
Attached herein is a programme for your consumption.
Anti Doping Education Program (click to download)
NB: The facilitator will arrive at Moshoeshoe I Intl. Airport on Sunday, the 17th at 16:00 hrs and depart on Saturday, the 23rd February at 10:55 am. The official opening by the honourable Minister of GYSR will be on Monday, the 18th at 8:30 am.
For any enquiry concerning the training please do not hesitate to cross check with the Programmes Coordinator . Ms Baleseng SEHALAHALA.
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