The LNOC has recognised the Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) as a key partner in the development of sports in the country. In that respect, the LNOC has organised a special training course to capacitate thirty- five (35) LDF officers in sports management. The Sports Administration Course (SAC Level I) was launched today Monday, the 12th June and it will end to Friday, the 16th June 2023.
Present at the official opening of the course were the Honourable Minister of Sports – Hon. Pitso LESAOANA accompanied by Brigadier MOHOBO on behalf of Commander LDF and LSRC President Mr. Litsitso MOTSEREMELI.
This initiative comes at a time following the LNOC Strategic Plan Review exercise whereby the activity directly responds towards the LNOC’s Strategic Key Focus Area 2: Customer & Stakeholders Relationship Management; Goal: Consistently increasing value to Stakeholders; Strategic Objective 2.4: Empower and capacitate sports leaders with essentials skills.
The Lesotho Defence Force has a long-standing history of producing and incubating high-performing athletes, coaches and administrators to the benefit of the sporting community in Lesotho.

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